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Top 6 Home Remedies for Pregnancy Pimples
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), acne is among the most common skin problems during pregnancy.
Pregnancy brings a lot of changes, and your skin is no exception. Pimples are one of the early signs of pregnancy. It is usually temporary and happens because of pregnancy hormones. Pregnancy acne can be treated with self-care and medication.
In This Article
- Acne and Pimples During Pregnancy
- Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Pregnancy Acne Treatment
- Baking Soda to Treat Pregnancy Acne
- Citrus Fruit to Treat Pregnancy Acne
- Honey for Pregnancy Acne Treatment
- Coconut Oil for Pregnancy Acne Treatment
- Oatmeal and Cucumber to Treat Pregnancy Acne
- Everyday Skin Care Tips to Control Pimples and Acne During Pregnancy
- Summary
Acne and Pimples During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are more at risk of developing acne if they have a history of acne before pregnancy. As per one study, 90% of participants who had pimples during pregnancy were experiencing acne before they became pregnant.
Pregnancy acne is most common during the first and second trimester. and will likely become worse in the third trimester when androgen levels increase even more.
According to old wives' tales, pimples or acne during pregnancy suggests that you're having a girl.
Although over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription acne medications already exist, pregnant moms are often concerned about the possible risks of using them during pregnancy. And this is where natural pregnancy acne remedies come handy.
Try these six home remedies to get rid of pregnancy acne or pregnancy pimples naturally!
#1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It has a sour taste and strong smell.
How to use apple cider vinegar to treat pregnancy pimples?
Mix raw, unrefined apple cider vinegar and distilled water in a 1:3 ratio. It will create a natural toner high in natural enzymes and hydroxy acids. For Severe pregnancy pimples, use 1:3 ratio of ACV to water. For moderate acne, use 1:4 and for sensitive skin, use 1:5.
Dip a cotton ball into it and apply the diluted mixture on your skin to absorb the excess oil that causes breakouts. Let sit for 5–20 seconds, rinse with water and pat dry. Repeat this process 1–2 times per day.
However, make sure not to apply undiluted vinegar on the skin as it is very acidic and can cause burns.
As per one study, ACV can reduce acne significantly, if you apply ACV twice a day for one year.
#2. Baking Soda

Baking soda has drying properties, which promote healing and can zap a zit in no time. However, many healthcare professionals don’t recommend using it because it soaks up essential protective oils and can irritate the skin. So never use it as a face scrub, but you can still use it as a spot treatment for breakouts.
How to use baking soda to treat pregnancy pimples?
Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of water to create a natural spot treatment.
After that, apply the paste directly to individual pimples, instead of the entire face. Let the mixture dry completely and then wash off.
Apply a hydrating moisturizer as baking soda can dry out the skin.
#3. Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits such as lemon and lime contain high levels of alpha-hydroxy acids. When you apply the juice of a lemon or lime to your skin, it helps exfoliate your skin, cleanses your clogged pores, and sheds off dead skin cells.
How to use lemon to treat pregnancy pimples?
Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon or lime and apply it directly to acne lesions using a Q-tip or cotton ball. Leave on until dry, and then rinse your face with cold water.
If your skin is sensitive, you might want to dilute the juice with some water.
Suggested dosage of vitamin C for pregnant women is 85 milligrams daily. One large orange fruit has 98 mg of vitamin C.
#4. Honey

Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may help treat pregnancy pimples. It’s also very soothing to the skin, and you can use it as a spot treatment. Ensure you use raw, natural, or unprocessed honey.
How to use honey to treat pregnancy pimples?
Rinse your face with lukewarm water and then apply honey directly to the affected area. Leave on for half an hour and then rinse your face with lukewarm water.
Alternatively, you can mix honey with a few drops of either lemon/lime juice or lavender oil to make a face mask.
Honey is an excellent source of antioxidants. According to several studies, they are more beneficial in reducing acne than commonly used medications like benzoyl peroxide and retinoid.
Run a patch test first. Honey can irritate sensitive skin.
#5. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It hydrates your skin and fights the acne-causing bacteria.
How to use coconut oil to treat pregnancy pimples?
Before you go to sleep, wash your face and pat it dry. Then, apply a thin layer of virgin coconut oil to the affected area. Don’t rinse and leave it overnight.
You can mix Coconut Oil with a few drops of lavender oil or/and tea tree oil for better results.
#6. Oatmeal and Cucumber

Cucumber has 96% water, so it’s perfect for hydrating the skin and reducing acne problems.
Oatmeal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces inflammation. It absorbs excess oil and kills acne-causing bacteria.
Both Cucumber and Oatmeal are soothing and leave a cooling effect on the skin.
How to use oatmeal and cucumber to treat pregnancy pimples?
For a homemade face mask, blend one sliced cucumber, 1/4 cup dry oats, two tablespoons honey, and 1/4 cup plain yogurt.
Apply the paste to your skin. Leave on for at least 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
Everyday Skin Care Tips to Prevent Pregnancy Pimples or Acne
Here are some tips to keep your skin glowing and acne-free:
- Don’t over-wash your face.
- Avoid scrubbing your skin.
- Don’t pick, pop, scratch, or squeeze acne sores.
- Drink purified water to keep your skin hydrated.
- Eat a healthy and nutritious pregnancy diet.
- Avoid too much caffeine, carbonated beverages, refined sugars, and processed foods.
- Give yourself time to rest and relax. Follow a good sleep routine.
- Change your towels and pillowcases frequently.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Wash your hair regularly.
- Use oil-free products for makeup, and be sure to wash off your makeup before you go to bed.
Pregnancy can cause pimples on the face. It's common during pregnancy. One out of two women gets pimples. It’s usually temporary, and you can treat pimples with self-care and medication.
If you are using over-the-counter medicine during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, always consult your doctor first. Some ingredients, like salicylic acid and vitamin A, may not be safe to use during pregnancy.
You can use drug-free, natural home remedies like apple cider vinegar, baking soda, citrus fruits, coconut oil, honey, oatmeal, cucumber, yogurt, etc. to treat acne. Amongst honey, Manuka honey is the recommended one.
Ensure to perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for an allergic reaction. Follow dermatologist-recommended skin care tips to reduce pregnancy acne.